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That Double-Chin May Need a One-Two Punch

Beautiful face of young woman with radiant skin

It’s a struggle to have excess fatty tissue under the chin. This fat doesn’t always slim down with diet and exercise like fat in other body areas does. To make matters worse, the loss of elasticity that naturally occurs with age can make the double-chin look more prominent. Though a facelift and neck liposuction can resolve these issues, many people today are interested in nonsurgical treatments and the minimal downtime they offer. But can nonsurgical treatments correct both excess fat and loose skin beneath the chin? It’s possible, but it takes a one-two punch.

People with excess fat under the chin, known as a double-chin, may be good candidates for Kybella. This injectable treatment takes only a few minutes in the office a few times over a few months and stubborn fat can be gone for good. Most people can achieve excellent results from two to three Kybella sessions, depending on the severity of submental fullness. After each session, targeted fat cells absorb the active ingredient in Kybella, deoxycholic acid, and die off. The body flushes destroyed cells through the lymphatic system.

While Kybella can eliminate unwanted fat, it does nothing for the skin. Without treatment, loose skin can look worse after fat-reduction. To correct this problem without surgery, we may recommend INFINI RF treatment. This nonsurgical skin-tightening treatment is unique in the way it delivers collagen-targeting energy. Rather than emitting radiofrequency energy toward the skin from an external applicator, INFINI RF delivers energy to deeper layers of tissue via insulated microneedles. This method causes collagen contraction and new collagen production for smoother, firmer skin.

There are so many ways to address cosmetic concerns today that options exist for just about every situation. Aging is not a linear, predictable process throughout which one problem occurs at a time. Most people have multiple issues they’d like to manage at once. Modern technology enables us to do that. INFINI RF is an innovative method of tightening loose skin, treating scars, and decreasing pore size without the downtime associated with surgery or more aggressive laser resurfacing treatments.

We can help you address the concerns related to cosmetic aging. To consult with a board-certified dermatologist about your skin, call 614-895-0400.

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