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Squamous Cell Carcinoma

Westerville Dermatology & Aderma Medical Spa is Here for All Your Skin Cancer Screening and Treatment Needs

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Squamous Cell Carcinoma

Westerville Dermatology is Here for All Your Skin Cancer Screening and Treatment Needs

Squamous Cell Carcinoma

What is Squamous Cell Carcinoma?

Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is the second most common type of skin cancer, with over 1.5 million new cases diagnosed each year in the United States. 

As with many other skin cancers, the rates of diagnosed squamous cell carcinoma cases is on the rise, which is why it’s essential to learn more about this skin cancer and get a better understanding of what causes it, how it looks on the skin, and the top squamous cell carcinoma treatments available. 

Firstly, what is squamous cell carcinoma? Squamous cell carcinoma is a skin cancer that forms in the squamous cells, which are found in the upper layer of the epidermis, otherwise known as the top layer of skin. 

SCC occurs when the DNA in cells becomes damaged and forms mutations, which triggers the rapid reproduction of squamous cells. This reproduction is what causes cancer tumors or growths.

Woman pointing to a mole on her skin

Squamous Cell Carcinoma FAQS

Interested in learning more about squamous cell carcinoma? Take a look at our dermatologist’s expert answers to frequently asked questions regarding squamous cell carcinoma below, and don’t forget to contact us to schedule your skin cancer screening with our board-certified dermatologists today!

As with many other types of skin cancers, squamous cell carcinoma is mainly caused by excessive, unprotected exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays (i.e the sun or tanning beds). UV rays damage cells, which may trigger the mutations that cause cells to rapidly reproduce, causing SCC.

Firstly, it’s important to know where squamous cell carcinoma is most likely to appear. Though squamous cell carcinoma can appear anywhere on the body, it’s more likely to show up on sun-exposed locations, such as the scalp, face, ears, neck, back of the hands, and upper trunk. 

Squamous cell carcinoma symptoms include:

  • Dome-shaped bump or a red, scaly patch of skin
  • Crusted or scaly area of skin with a red, inflamed base
  • Rough and crusty spots that bleed easily when scraped
  • Open sores that don’t completely heal, or may heal and then return.
  • Growths with a slight indentation in the center
  • Wart-like lesion or growth

If you’re experiencing any of the symptoms mentioned above, it’s crucial to make an appointment with a board-certified dermatologist as soon as possible. For skin cancer screenings in Westerville, OH, contact Westerville Dermatology to schedule an appointment.

One of the main symptoms of squamous cell carcinoma is a patch of skin that becomes scaly or crusty, which can certainly itch or cause skin irritation.

Squamous cell carcinomas may present symptoms of soreness or tenderness. In some cases of squamous cell carcinoma, the affected area may appear unexpectedly and abruptly, and become painful or tender, which may interfere with daily life. If this is the case, make an appointment with a board-certified dermatologist as soon as possible.

If squamous cell carcinoma spreads, it typically invades surrounding tissue first, such as healthy skin. However, SCC is slow-growing and most cases are diagnosed while the cancer is still confined to the upper layer of skin.

Squamous cell carcinoma is slow-growing, which means it’s easier to treat and cure when detected early enough. In fact, around 95 to 98 percent of SCCs can be cured if they are treated early.

This is why we recommend patients get a skin cancer screening every year! Schedule yours today at Westerville Dermatology in Westerville, OH.

At Westerville Dermatology, the main way our board-certified dermatologists diagnose squamous cell carcinoma is with a biopsy. This involves having a small piece of tissue removed from the suspicious area and sent to the lab for examination. The pathologist will look at the tissue under a microscope and determine if any abnormal cells are present.

Yes, squamous cell carcinoma has a high cure rate – around 95 to 98 percent – when detected and treated early.

At Westerville Dermatology, we use several squamous cell carcinoma treatment methods to help our patients restore the health of their skin. These treatments include: 

  • Excision surgery
  • Cryotherapy
  • Curettage and electrodesiccation

To learn more about the treatments we use for squamous cell carcinoma, or if you have any questions about skin cancer treatment and prevention, please contact us today. 


Squamous Cell Carcinoma Photos

Unsure of what squamous cell carcinoma may look like? Use our photos of suspicious moles and squamous cell carcinoma below to get a better understanding of how this type of skin cancer may show up on the skin. 

Chart Showing The Different Types Of Skin Cancers And How They Occur
Woman Pointing To A Mole On Her Skin
Red Mole On A Patient's Back
Hairy Mole On A Patient's Back

Squamous Cell Carcinoma Diagnosis & Treatment in Westerville, Ohio

If you’ve recently discovered an atypical mole or are experiencing one of the skin cancer symptoms mentioned above, it’s time to visit a board-certified dermatologist for a professional skin cancer screening. Our board-certified dermatologists are experts at detecting, diagnosing, and treating skin cancer in Westerville, Ohio, to help our patients restore the health of their skin! Please give us a call at (614) 895-0400 or request an appointment online.

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Have questions or concerns? Please call us at 614-895-0400.

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